Tuesday, May 28

i had the scariest dream last night. i was staying in this old mansion with some friends (not sure who) and they were doing very bad things to each other, and trying to do them to me. they were covered in blood, and i have this vivid picture of someone trying to put a cat on the barbeque grill. it was a horrible scene, but somehow i got away. later on i was sharing a room with two other girls. two of us were walking down the hall to go to bed and the wicker table in the hallway started shaking. in my dream i thought "earthquake" even though i knew it was because the house was haunted. i got into bed and slowly the covers started sliding off of me. then in one quick jerk they were pulled off completely. it freaked me out, and i started to throw pens at the foot of the bed and they were hitting something invisible and falling to the ground. fucking freaky.