Monday, October 21

i failed to accomplish my one task of the weekend which was to secure beck/flaming lips tickets. i am having major high school flashbacks where it was grateful dead and i felt so totally helpless...where are these tickets and how in the world did it sell out allready !?!? i bet the theater will be filled with fucking sorority girls whining about chardonnay and why havent they played the vasoline song? and ohmygawd is that girl som-oh-king? you see the problem, i deserve these tickets. deserve.

in other news, i was somewhat disappointed by the ring. the reason it is called "the ring" is by far the most scary part, and while i did scream-out-loud/jump-in-my-seat probably more than once, it was alltogether a dissapointment. they could have taken an angle that, i thought, would have been scarier or at least more interesting, such as the nature or foundation of such evil, but it ends up just being one manifestation of this evil, and not a very unique or interesting one, at that. it did bear a striking similarity to the changeling with a nice little twist at the end. i had a lot more fun at das experiment if we are talking about natures of evil and since i am now doing movie reviews.