Thursday, June 13

new rude san franciscan story...the block across the street from my apartment is no parking from 4-6pm weekdays, which is good for me if i can arrive home at precisely 6pm, which i try to do. yesterday i did. as i pulled up to park i notice the truck-driving woman behind me honking and throwing her arms up in the air in utter disgust at my nerve to interfere with her commute. i pointed at the parking allowed now sign and continued gathering my belongings. whe the traffic finally cleared and she could get around me she leans out her window and guessed it "you fucking bitch." first of all, let me state that anyone who knows anything at all knows better than to drive in the all-the-way-to-the-left lane on fell street. now, im not talking about the one that is actually second from the left, but the one that is only clear during rush hour. everybody knows not to drive in this lane for the precisely the reason why this woman should not hae been, because you get stuck behind someone. so, suddenly this is my fault, and i am a fucking bitch. this is yet another example of rudenes in san fran.