Wednesday, August 14

Day 1, 8:00am: Oh my god he is sooo loud. what is with that bass music? it's saturday!?!

Day 5: god, he is loud.

Day 10: oh my god. is he kidding?
Day 120: "um, excuse me, can you please turn your television down?"

Day 125: "um, excuse me, can you please turn your music down?"

Day 130: "um, excuse me, can you please train your dogs to not bark incessantly?"


Day 150: "what the fuck is your problem? why did you write a letter to the landlord saying i was loud? im not loud!"

oooohhhhh.....your not loud. see if i knew that i wouldnt have gone fucking crazy from listening to your trash for seven months. oh, but your not loud, ok. my mistake. carry on.