Thursday, May 2

so we have this neighbor that we hate. we call him "hat-guy." he wears a smelly wool hat at all hours of the day/night, warm, sunny he doesnt care. he is obviously afraid to show what is going on under that hat, presumabley it is that he is balding, but whatever. i just like making fun of peoles sore-spots. so his dogs bark constantly when he is not home. (for hours on end, while he is at a some rave) we have left him a note telling him as much. i think i phrased it "fyi: your dogs bark constantly when you are not home" so anyway, last night they are at it as usual, and i wrote another note that said something along the lines of "bark bark bark bark bark....bark!, only to find that this morning he has left a far inferior note (as far as cleverness, and robustness of thought) on our door saying, and i quote "dont EVER leave a note like that on my door again" well, well. mr. where-is-my-hat? just what are you going to do if i choose to, in fact, leave another "note like that"? he went on to say blah blah blah, i am a quiet neighbor (that must me aside from the bass bass thump boom crap radiating from his walls at all hours.) and it is YOU that is loud. right. blah super pissed...dont fuck with me. blah blah. i think i have a clever retort:

"bark bark bark"