Tuesday, July 9

ok so the most disgusting thing of all of history has happened to me. i really havent even admitted this to anyone because i am so grossed out by it that i cannot bear to speak it. so i was riding on the airplane on sunday. flying along. my book is in the front pocket because i dont much feel like reading. flying along. plane lands. take my book out, and it is wet. wet book. not the whole thing, but just the top and the bookmark. why is my book wet!?! i look in the pocket and sure enough a kleenex. now...i havent put a kleenex in there. but there is one in there, and it is wet and it made my book wet. i really did not know what to do at this point. i mean...what are my options? i could throw the book out? but my god, whouldnt that be totally overreacting? i could put the book in an hermetically sealed bag. this is what i wanted to do, but i dont normally carry those. i could just pretend like nothing happend, put the book in my bag, pull out my little bottle of hand sanitizer and get the hell off that plane. so that is what i did.

so now, two days later, i sit here typing this, and i kid you not, i have come down with the biggest nasal head cold you would not believe. it makes me cringe to think of that book, but it's really a good book. i really wanted to read it.