Thursday, May 2

i just dont want to work today. i really havent wanted to work all week, i wonder if ithas anything to do with the fact that i have gone out almost every night? perhaps. im not hunover or anything, i just dont care. dont care dont care. hate work hate work. im still going to the lab phychologist, and was supposed to go today, but she canceled. i actaully feel really stressed and was looking foreward to going, so that i could complain about the fact that my boyfriend is spilling secrets about me to the fbi. fucker. i really hate it when people do that. god, i just had a horrible thought that they might call hat-guy. im done with if they do that. he is such a fucker, i want to get revenge, but my god-dammed, loud-mouthed, mild-mannered boyfriend thinks that may not actually be the way to go. who doesnt like revenge? is what i want to know. i sure do. i want to make him really mad, that is my ultimate goal. it is really easy, i mean i thought the bark bark note was funny! it was! he didnt think so, it made him really angry. i liked that.