Wednesday, October 30

across the hall from my office is a conference room with glass walls, and a couple of weeks ago i noticed a total hottie in a meeting so i kept staring at him. i was being totally blatant about it, the meetin was pretty long, and every time i got up i would make DIRECT eye contact with this guy. i dont know, i was just doing it to add some entertainment to my day, and perhaps some to his meeting. so finally, the meeting gets out, and what do you know but he is KNOCKING AT MY DOOR! turns out he is not a hottie at all, but a total engineering geek. but he is totally flirting with me, sits down, we end up talking for like an hour! it was actually pretty ackward. i dont think he noticed, he is an extrovert, but still lacks the social skills. so he leaves, and then yesterday i am on the phone (talking to my dad, not work related, of course) and he comes by. he notices im on the phone, and scurries off, and then again today i am on my way into my builing, and he is on his way out. we get to talking, its kind of fun, im wondering when he is going to ask me out? i never get asked out on dates. but notice, im really not leading him on. i mean, id say no because of the whole live-in boyfriend thing, but probably yes otherwise. but, im not flirting with him anymore. granted there was the staring episode which i take full responsibility for, but after that it was all him. im still probably evil.