Monday, November 4

the costumes were an overall success, dave's baumer especially. he was recognized, me, not so much. i needed the fur, and i chickened out. i was eyeing it as it hung above me on a nail in the thrift store. i bought the fox collar to go on a coat i allready own, even though my heart was with the rabbit in the store for $100. i went back on thursday to buy it, (convinced by jess) asked the guy to take it down for me, he did and added, "oh thats not a rabbit, thats a lynx. an endangered species. why do we even have this?!? here you go. be careful of the blood." my god. i wouldnt be able to handle comments like that, so i put it back. its too bad. are lynx's really endangered? i once pet one in a bar in atlanta, and it purred (very loud purr) i find it hard to believe they are endangered. so, ill post pictures of us soon, i forgot to bring them today. im leaving work at noon today for the double wammy dentist and gyno appts. back to back, baby. the rest of the weekend....did absolutely nothing. recovered from the cold i started coming down with last wednesday.