Thursday, March 13

the other day my boss told me to let him know if i was planning to quit. the funny thing is, he didnt say it because he has evidence of such a thing. he said it because people here tend to quit after they've passed their year-long "toughing it out" phase and are still confined to sitting alone stuffed in a remote a corner of a remote building, some days not even seeing another person, let alone having a conversation. "oh, you know...let me know if you dont think you cant take it anymore." i think those were his exact words. im not exactly sure what he would do if i did let him know. (what he could do?) can he do one of those: *poof* - you job suddenly is bearable - kinda things? he'll offer me more RAM for my compuer. gee. thanks. i swear to fucking god, that has happened before.