I just found out that my brother, sister-in-law, and niece wont be attending my wedding. And I kinda lashed out at them when I they told me. If it were something they had no control over, of course I would never blame them for not being able to attend. But it is something they did have control over. They were trying to get pregnant, and they baby’s due date is one day before my wedding date. They said they didn’t think it would happen so soon (not sure why since baby number one seemed to go off without a hitch), but it did. And I kinda blew-up at them. I called them selfish. They are selfish, lately -- without a doubt. Is that a bad thing, or can I really blame them? Well I don’t know. but I lashed out at them and called them selfish (I did it in a really nice way). And now they wont speak to me. I could call them and grovel and beg and plead. But I don’t want to. They hurt me, and now they refuse to speak to me, and im supposed to apologize. And I HATE THAT. Why cant they just say to me: “im sorry for never returning your phone calls and for not giving two shits about your getting engaged, buying a house, remodeling the entire thing, and planning a wedding where my attendance is very important to you and I let you down and im sorry.” but they are not going to do that, and now it is up to me.
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