lost a turtle last night. we had three, we got them right after christmas, and they are adorable. they were pretty shy when we first introduced them to their new home. we expected them to not eat for up to a week, then two of them started coming out. the third (mo) never did. spanky and moonunit (the other two) BEG for food, i walk up and they are almost out of the water begging. they can be pretty jumpy, but they certainly eat, and fight each other for food. but not mo. he was usually perched in a plant and his food would sit there, untouched, in front of his face. they others got a little bigger (they are all about the size of a quarter when we got them) but mo stayed the same. he just wouldnt eat! i couldnt make him eat. i feel horrible, maybe he was sick to begin with. we buried him in the front yard. poor turtle.
clean slate
Monday, February 28
Wednesday, February 23
i got this for my husband for valentines day. i havent given it to him yet, and i wasnt going to get him anything at all, but this, i know he will like. GEAR AND MODIFICATIONS TO GEAR. i dont know if there is anymore out there for him. so, yeah, we never really get into valentines day much. this year i spent the big v-day with the dog, and dave presented slides to an audience in los angeles.

here's my new entry for self-portrait day. I took this with a Nikon 8008S 35mm Film Camera that I adore. It was taken for a self-portrait assignment in a photography class, and (as much as I hate to be photographed) I liked those rolls more than most anything else Ive done.
Im still a b&w film photographer though, I havent jumped in the digital revolution.
Tuesday, February 22
this is hilarious, go to the last question.
Wednesday, February 16
so, dave's out of town and ive been SMOKING LIKE A FIEND. i have a very big presentation to give tomorrow morning at 8am and ill be wearing a suit. (just to give it some scale). I DONT SMOKE. and i am not going to tell him ive been smoking. thank god he has completely lost interest in this site.
Tuesday, February 15
This series will blow your mind. way, way cooler than any ice mummies, even cooler than a crittercam. ELEVEN DIMENSIONS, baby, ELEVEN. and, i have a full blown crush on this guy. he speaks very softly and slowly in a "im saying the words as they are spoken to me from above", kind of way. but i guess ive said this before.
the basic premise is, during the big bang (which was only a "bang" in the sense that our universe collided briefly with another, parallel, universe), 7 of the original 11 spatial and temporal dimensions curled up tight in a 7 dimensional pretzel so tiny no one can ever see it, but it is located at every point in all of space and time. our universe and everything else is really 11 dimensional, but we can only see this teeny fraction of it. imagine if you were a 2-D "flat" worm sitting on a table. If you looked at me, you would see this: -------------- a straight line (for my waist, maybe i should draw it narrower). now, imagine that worm's suprise to learn that I look nothing like that straight line, that is just how he sees me. this stuff just blows my mind. and its actually real. (most probably). this is our universe.